In Brazil
is the total of paid domestic workers nationwide
70% of the workers
do not have formalization of their employment contract
63% of women
that work as paid domestic workers are black
In Brazil, 4,800,000 million is the total of paid domestic workers nationwide. The number of HRT who lost their jobs, compared to the same quarter of 2019, is 1.6 million, data through the PNAD. 63% of paid domestic workers are black women (IPEA, 2018). 70% of paid domestic workers do not have formalization of their employment contract, being exposed to greater exploitation (IBGE, 2018).
The Equal Value, Equal Rights – Women, Dignity and Work Project coordinates its actions with THEMIS and FENATRAD. The National Federation of Domestic Workers / Federação Nacional das Trabalhadoras Domésticas (Fenatrad) is an association made up of 26 unions and an association that fights for equal rights and for the recognition of domestic workers as workers.
In Brazil the 63% of the paid domestic workers are black women (IPEA, 2018), 70% of the paid domestic workers do not have formalization of their employment contract, being exposed to greater exploitation (IBGE, 2018).
Thousands of TRHs, in the context of social isolation, were removed from their work without a tangible prospect of minimum wages to survive. The government welfare benefit stopped being paid in December / 2020.
SCS Quadra 2, Bloco C, Lote 104, s/nº
Edf. Goiás, Sala 604, Asa Sul
CEP: 70.317-900 – Brasília/DF -
+55 61 3037-3871
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